What is real property?

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    • #51907 Reply

      I want to buy land, but I need clarification about my rights of ownership, buy and sell, etc., and my agent is not helpful either. Can anyone help me with it?

    • #52024 Reply

      Real property, sometimes known as real estate, includes land, any structures permanently attached to it, and the rights and interests that go with it. It encompasses not just the actual land but anything related to or considered a part of it, such as buildings, residences, trees, minerals, and renovations. Natural property rights include ownership, use, lease, and transfer rights.
      It is a legal notion that outlines the rights and interests that can be held in land and its associated structures. These rights are critical to comprehending property ownership and real estate transactions. Be bold, ask questions, and conduct extensive research to protect your interests in this significant investment.

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