Did you know that Foreclosures is a big market to find discounted properties?

In the past 30 days, MLS Deal Finder has located 644 LIVE Foreclosure Deals in DFW. The Median list price of these deals is $120k, accounting for a total of $95 Millions in potential sales.

Also, there are 399 Foreclosure Sales in DFW in the last month, and the total actual sales in those 30 days is $49 Millions.

 Download DFW Foreclosure Deals Heat Map and Foreclosure Sales Report here

[teaserbox title=”Get DFW Foreclosure Deals Heat Map and Foreclosure Sales Report” button=”Click Here!” link=”https://qz270.infusionsoft.com/app/linkClick/3433/809c426a99343120/162261/0487cde7785b4561″ buttonsize=”small” buttoncolor=”alternative-1″ target=”_blank”]MLS Deal Finder locates hundreds of real estate foreclosures in Dallas on a monthly basis. Each deal comes with a Real-Time report to help you with analysis so you can act with speed and certainty. [/teaserbox]

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